Hi, I’m Amanda, a mindset coach and blogger who helps moms Crush it! in Life, Business and Travel.
We all want to find a way to make more money, to find freedom from our budgets, be our own boss and to find location freedom. Most of us think that while we would love to have this, but worry that it’s not actually possible. The good news is that there are many examples out there of bloggers that make significant money with their blogs or online businesses. I’ve decided to gather together a few of the many examples of travelers that have made their way around the world with their blog and have found success that brings them at least $10,000 per month.
Take this as inspiration for you to get started on your own journey, I know I often visit their sites to find my own inspiration!
Matt Kepnes ventured out as a young adult to see the world. He decided to help others learn about his adventures and grew to be the biggest and best online. He’s a great one to follow and see just how he has earned his success as a travel blogger. With various streams of income that accumulate to more than $50K per month including products, affiliate marketing, and courses, you can see how he maintains such a great online space. Be sure to study his great look and the ease of finding important content.
Johnny is quite the success having made $1M in 3 years of blogging! His goal is to visit every country in the world and he is well on his way there. His 2018 goals are to increase his net worth by $100k each year and to visit an impressively organized list of countries.
Dave and Deb are world travelers that have climbed the ranks of Google and come up on the top of travel blogs with an income of approx. $20k per month. If you want to see the most stunning and amazing example of a travel blog go to their start here page and drool a little. The Planet D couple has created a gorgeous and informative website for those wanting to find their way to their next destination.
Since 1999, Earl has been traveling to 103 countries around the world. He’s set up his website with a simple website that features some of his great photos and helps others achieve their travel goals. He makes his full-time travel income through affiliate marketing and great products.
Ooooh, this blog is about affordable luxury and stylish travels. This young family shows us, parents, how to travel in style and enjoy the world with baby in tow. They enjoy their family time to the fullest in some amazing spaces across the world. You can also enjoy their travel videos to get a more in-depth feel of their travels. They turn their $10k per month into luxury travel and show you how you can do it too.
Goats on the Road has built itself up to be a 6-figure business with a projection of making $145K this year. When they started in 2012, they didn’t think they could do it, in fact, they almost quit, but it’s a good thing they persisted through the hard times because it is now a great venture that has given them the freedom to travel freely.
A fantastic family travel blog that shows that it’s possible to enjoy traveling with your kids. With some helpful tips and great work, they have been able to grow past $10K per month. Their impressive list of brands that they’ve worked with shows that they mean business and do great work to deserve their income.
Yet another example of a stunning travel website. Milou is a full-time digital nomad blogging her way around the world and sharing her experiences in blog and picture. Milou began her blog in Dutch and has ventured into creating an English version (which impresses me to no end since I can’t speak more than one language, let alone create an entire website in another language). She what she’s up to to learn how to do a travel blog well and earn around $10k per month.
This might be one of the most fun looking website designs I’ve seen on a travel blog. With bright colors and great photos, Jon and Kach have created a great website that brings them to over $10K per month. Don’t miss their sailing, luxury travel and adventure blog for some great ideas on how to grow your travel community and build the business you would love to get you around the world.
This lovely couple has been traveling for a number of years and is helping others do the same. They make their income through promoted ads, affiliate links, sponsored posts, brand partnerships and their own products.
Now, these are just 10 of the travel bloggers that make over $10,000 per month. There are plenty more that earn income each month from $1K to 10K+. And they all do it different ways but have one thing in common, they jumped into it, they offered great content and they kept it up over time. Some of these bloggers started years ago, but know that it is actually easier now to grow your blog and make money online (even though many don’t think this). With so many more avenues to earn money and get in front of your audience, it’s far better and easier for us bloggers to earn the income we desire.
So yes, you can start a blog too. No, it doesn’t have to be a travel blog. Yes, there are many types of blogs that can make money. Pick something that you enjoy, something that you know about (you don’t need to have a degree in the subject, research/learn what you don’t know), and pick something that lots of others really enjoy (forget about ‘saturated’ niches). Learn what others want/desire/need to know about; what problems, fears, joys, dreams they have and give them the information they need to have/achieve these things.
I go into more detail about these things in my free email course, which you can sign up for here. If you are looking to start your blog, then I would suggest checking out my How to Start a Blog post to get going (or, again, you can sign up for my email course, which will also help through this process).
Who is your favorite travel blogger? What makes their blog the best and how can others learn from what they do?