Know Your Audience To Make the Money You Desire

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Audience = Traffic = Income
It’s important to get to know the audience that will be frequenting your blog/online business because without them you don’t have a business. Your income solely depends on the people that you are bringing to your blog. In order to reach the traffic you need to make the income you need, you will first need to know your audience inside and out.
Research Competitors:
There is no better way to get to know who will be interested in your content then to research your competitors in order to get an idea of who is reading their blogs. Find various popular bloggers within your area of expertise and look at comments, join their Facebook groups and just generally search around for who they draw in most and where they drawn them in from (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest).
Ideal Customer Persona:
Conceptualize the ideal person that will be coming to your blog. Do this by filling out the following information (this does not mean that you will not see any other demographics, but that this is the person you envision as the main audience that will read your blogs and connect best with the dream you are selling):
Age Range (within 20 years):
Jobs they might have:
Household Income level:
Education level:
Family Life:
Biggest Personality Traits:
Get Into Their Heads:
You need to go deep into what they might be thinking about in order to truly connect with them and to draw them in.
- What is their dream life?
- What is their dream job?
- What concerns them?
- What is their deepest fear?
- What makes them get excited about life?
- What drives them forward?
- What brings them joy?
- What words would excite them or drive them to click?
Pay Attention:
Listen to the audience that you are building. Once you get going and your audience builds, be sure to pay attention to what they are saying or asking:
What questions are they asking you?
What do they really want to know?
What’s making them come back?
What are they clicking on/reading most?
What are some trending behaviours of your audience?
Ask Questions:
In your emails and at the end of your blog posts, ask questions to engage your readers. From this you will get to know them better and be able to tailor your posts to what they really want to know about. Learn more about email opt-ins and how to write effective emails HERE
Be genuinely interested in them and they will open up to you. There’s nothing worse than having someone who asks you to be real with them and then having them ignore you or worse, be upset because they didn’t get a response they wanted (Yes, this happened to me).
Take all of this information and use it to create valuable content on your blog. The best way to get eyes on your content is to create posts that your readers can’t resist. Title it with a ‘Wow’ message that drives them to your website, then give them a reason to stay with great content.
Now you are getting to know your audience, like a new friendship that will hopefully blossom into a lifelong connection. Be patient and love your audience. This is where you will succeed (98 ¾ percent guaranteed…I love Dr. Seuss).
If you’ve happened upon this blog and want to know more about how you can successfully bring your blog from Start to Launch, then I highly suggest that you take our email course HERE