Learn How to Clearly Build Up Your Blog to Be Launch Ready!
When we started our blog we wanted to be able to launch it in a big way. We wanted to be ultimately ready to bring in the traffic and income we needed as quickly as possible.
I told myself that we weren’t going to launch untilour brand was apparent, our information was relevant and ultimately helpful, our blogs were full, we had ways to capture emails and we had a decent monetization method in place with an idea of where we wanted to go with it.
Over the years I have researched and fell in love with blogging and with my various attempts at business (some more successful than others), I have learned a number of helpful and clear tips that I want to share with you.
Something that really held me back from being successful was how confused I was about the big picture. I would research blogging in no particular order and go down the winding tunnel of information online only to come out the other end without a clear picture of how to achieve what so many others have been able to achieve.
There seemed to be a mountain in front of me and I wasn’t equipped to climb it.
In light of this, I wanted to put together an email course that helped other bloggers get to their launch-ready position by offering my knowledge in an easy to follow lineup. So, I’ve put together some of my best information for you in a free email blogging course:
From Start to Launch: A Free Email Blogging Course to Add Clarity to Your Business
In this course, you will get access to 10 courses with step-by-step actions, checklists and downloadable worksheets that gear you up for launch.
Here is the extensive line-up of amazing content you will have access to:
- 6 Stages of Successful Blogging & Where Most Quit
- How to Pick the Right Topic & Feel Confident About Your Choice
- Simple Blog Branding: Easy to Follow Branding Guide
- Know Your Audience To Make The Money You Desire
- How To Start A Blog: The First Steps (Hosting/Domain/Theme)
- How the Heck Do I Make Money On My Blog (A Surprising # of Ways to Monetize Your Blog)
- How to Write Amazing Blog Posts & Capture Your Audience PART 1
- How to Write Amazing Blog Posts & Capture Your Audience PART 2
- Optimize Your Email Optins & Use This Email Formula to Build Your Best Audience
- I’ve Started My Blog, Now What? Become Launch-Ready (Checklist Included)
Once you’ve signed up for this free email course, you will be more certain about where you want to go with your blog/business and how to get there.
I’ve laid it out so that you can read the information as you need to know it, in an order that makes sense and I’ve taken out any fluff to get straight to the point (my husband wanted me to call it the “Get to the Effing Point Blog Strategy, but I ex-nayed that even if I do find it hilarious).
Now, my confession for today is that while this is all very clear to me now, there are aspects of online business that others are just more specialized and equipped in being able to offer you the information you need to not just be launch ready, but very successful when you do launch. I’ve included a few courses below that I think are the best ones you will want to take in order to be successful in these areas of blogging and to begin getting the income you desire.
I’ve taken each of these courses, as well as many others, but I only recommend the courses that I think have the best value and the most clarity. I 100% believe that the biggest reason bloggers don’t succeed is because they get side-tracked and overwhelmed with the enormous amount of information out there on blogging.
I fully believe that if you were to go through my free email course, From Start to Launch: A Free Email Blogging Course to Add Clarity to Your Business, and follow it up with the courses I outline below, you will be one of the few that can make money within months instead of years. I know this because this is the method we used to launch our website.
The best thing is that they are not expensive. They are affordable and packed with the most important information.
To Acquire Great Traffic Quickly, Then Go With Pinterest:
Pinning Perfect: by Blog Clarity
Anna Luther helps you understand the power of Pinterest in her 8 module course: Pinning Perfect. Pinterest has become one of the best ways to bring traffic to your blog, many would go as far as to say that you can bring more traffic from Pinterest than Google (you will still need to focus on keywords and SEO though and don’t rule out Google, it’s still important!).
Pinterest is best for largely female audiences (because it has a large female audience), but can have success for men as well. I would highly recommend that, if you have a female Ideal Audience, you focus your attention on Pinterest. If you have a largely male audience, then consider Google+ as an alternative (which I currently am just starting to dabble in).
To optimize your Pinterest results, get the Blog Clarity course: Pinning Perfect
To Master Your Affiliate Marketing Techniques:
Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing (I love how she used her brand for this title!)
One of the best and easiest ways to monetize your blog is through Affiliate Marketing, which is the process of gaining commission from sales of other’s products or services that were advertised and linked over from your website. I recommend this method for beginner bloggers as it can be both unintrusive (if done well) and make you much of your income (if done well).
To do this well, you will need a great understanding of how to optimize your posts and pages to include rich affiliate links. My best suggestion for this is by Michelle at Making Sense of Cents, where she created the course: Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing
Michelle (unknowingly) is definitely one of my mentors. She’s found great income success through her blog largely because of Affiliate Marketing (and her amazing content, of course!)
Now you’re ready to get started!
While there are, of course, other amazing courses and much more to learn, if you complete these 3 courses to launch your blog/business, then you will have an excellent start. And even better yet, you won’t feel overwhelmed with information or feel stuck at the bottom of a mountain. These courses will bring you to a place where you will begin to see success and then you can dive deeper into more great courses to bring your income from 4-5 figures, then 5-6 figures and beyond. Those kinds of figures need time to build, so start where it’s attainable and less complicated.
Get started today, don’t regret putting it off later.
And the best part is that it all starts with a free email course: